International Affairs Set-IV


  1. Which African Nation has recently added the Indian Rupee as their currency to be circulated in the country ?
    1. Algeria
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Angola
    4. Morocco
    5. Uganda

  2.  Which European Nation's parliament has passed a Bill allowing Euthanasia for terminally ill children without any age limit and it has become the 1st Country in the World to do so ?
    1. Hungary
    2. Austria
    3. Switzerland
    4. Belgium
    5. Italy

  3. The 6th BRICS summit was held from 14th July 2014 to 16th July 2014. This summit was hosted by ?
    1. Russia
    2. China
    3. Brazil
    4. India
    5. South Africa

  4. Rubber-Rice Pact of 1952 which came in news recently was between which countries ?
    1. Pakistan and China
    2. India and Srilanka
    3. Pakistan and Bhutan
    4. China and SriLanka
    5. India and China

  5. Monorails are being operative in which Countries ?
    1. China, Europe, India (Mumbai) and Japan
    2. Singapore, Australia, America and Dubai
    3. China, Thailand, Malaysia, Egypt and America
    4. Both 1 and 2
    5. None of these

  6. The European Parliament recently signed a Treaty which focuses to slash carbon di oxide emissions across the European Union by 28% till year 2020. On which segment of transport is being focused in this treaty ?
    1. Commercial Vans
    2. SUVs
    3. Buses
    4. Trains
    5. Aeroplanes

  7. Which country was affected by "Polar Freeze" recently ?
    1. Germany
    2. Singapore
    3. USA
    4. India
    5. Nepal

  8. Simplest Unit of BitCoin is ?
    1. 1 Cent
    2. 1 Paisa
    3. 1 Ruby
    4. 1 Satoshi
    5. 1 Rupee

  9. _________________ named People Magazine's most beautiful person of 2014 ?
    1. Emma Watson
    2. Rakhi Sawant
    3. Yao Ming
    4. Kamal R. Khan
    5. Lupita Nyong

  10. Paleontologists have recently found fossils of largest Dinosaur (Titanosaur) known so far in ________________
    1. Afghanisthan
    2. Pakisthan
    3. Nepal
    4. Argentina
    5. Sri Lanka

  11. Three women have become the first female submariners in the 110 year history of the Submarine Service of UK Navy. They are ?
    1. Maxine Stiles, Audrey Tautou  and Penny Thackray
    2. Maxine Stiles, Sony Worthington, Audrey Tautou  
    3. Maxine Stiles, Alex Olsson and Penny Thackray
    4. Maxine Stiles, Sara Jane and Teresa Watson
    5. Maxine Stiles, Olivia Culpo and Senorita Syaz

  12. United States, United Kingdom, France, China and Russia signed a Treaty to prohibit the development and testing of nuclear weapons within Central Asia. Name it ?
    1. RATFWD Treaty
    2. CSDOKZ Treaty
    3. CANWFZ Treaty
    4. COMZED Treaty
    5. CSOKZZ Treaty

  13. WHO (World Health Organization) has put ban of traveling abroad of people of Pakistan, Syria and Cameron due to high risk of __________ virus infections in these countries. 
    1. Ebola Virus
    2. Polio Virus
    3. Diarrhea Virus
    4. HIV Virus
    5. None of these

  14. World's costliest Blue Diamond has been auctioned in Geneva (Switzerland) by London based auction house Cristie recently. How much amount dis this diamond fetch ?
    1. 23.7 Million USD
    2. 65 Million USD
    3. 25.8 Million USD
    4. 36.7 Million USD
    5. 57.1 Million USD

  15. World's highest Rail Tunnel (16.3 km long and 3.6 km height) was opened in which country ?
    1. India
    2. Nepal
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Bangladesh
    5. China

  16. An Egyptian court sentenced deposed president to three years in prison on corruption charges. Who is he ?
    1. Muhammad Naguib
    2. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
    3. Hosni Mubarak
    4. Adly Mansour
    5. Anwar Sadat

  17. Which country has decided to stop its Controversial Antarctic Whaling Programme after instructions from United Nations Agency ?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. Indonesia
    4. Malaysia
    5. South Korea

  18. Which country has been given the charge to host the 18th SAARC Summit in Noveber 2014 ?
    1. China
    2. Indonesia
    3. Japan
    4. Nepal
    5. Malaysia

  19. Parliament of Crimea voted in favor of adapting a new constitution that will make Crimea part of which Federation ?
    1. Russian Federation
    2. East Indian Federation
    3. South Asian Federation
    4. Lutheran World Federation
    5. PIXEL Federatoin

  20. Switzerland based World Economic Forum (WEF) released 13th Edition of the Global Information Technology Report 2014. According to this report, India ranked __________ among 148 economies. 
    1. 56 th
    2. 83 rd
    3. 96 th
    4. 158 th
    5. 196 th