Marketing Questions Asked in SBI Previous Exams Part - 1

1. Market research is useful for -----?
[1] Deciding proper marketing strategies
[2] Deciding the selling price
[3] Choosing the right products 
[4] Choosing the sales person
[5] All of these

Ans. (5)

2. A call means. [1] Shout out to somebody [2] profession or business [3] Visiting friends [4] Visiting prospective customers [5] after-sales services Ans. (4)
3. Conversion means : [1] meeting a prospective client [2] interacting with a prospective client [3] converting an employer into an employee [4] converting a seller into a buyer [5] converting a prospective client into a buyer Ans. (5)
4. Customization means : [1] acquiring more customers [2] regulating customers [3] special products to suit each customer [4] more products per customer [5] All of these Ans. (3)
5. Modern style of marketing include [1] digital marketing [2] tele-marketing [3] e-commerce [4] e-mails solicitation [5] All of these Ans. (5)
6. E-Marketing is the same as [1] virtual marketing [2] digital marketing [3] real marketing [4] all of these [5] None of these Ans. (4)
7. Value-added services means [1] costlier products [2] large number of products [3] additional services [4] at par services [5] None of these Ans. (3)
8. Aggressive Marketing is necessitated due to: [1] globalization [2] increased competition [3] increased production [4] increased job opportunities [5] All of these Ans. (2)
9. Efficient Marketing styles require. [1] Proper planning [2] good communication skills [3] team work [4] knowledge of products [5] All of these Ans. (5)
10. The performance of a salesperson depends on [1] salary paid [2] sales incentive paid [3] sizes of the sales team [4] ability and willingness of the salesperson [5] team leader aggressiveness Ans. (4)